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Universities, and higher education institutions in general, are ever more influenced by output-driven performance indicators and models that originally stem from the profit-organisational context. As a result, universities are increasingly considering management tools that support them in the (decision) process for attaining their strategic goals. The growth-share matrix is one of these tools that has proven its value in diverse business and competitive contexts in the past few decades. The present study’s contribution is twofold. First, we apply and interpret the growth-share matrix as part of a strategic positioning analysis in a strategic university context. Second, we extend this tool by incorporating social inclusion as a third dimension in the analysis. In recent years, discussions on the rising social disparity among adolescents in higher education have increased and different types of actors have raised the motivation to create more equal opportunities for prospective students who rank among the group of socially disadvantaged adolescents. The findings of an empirical case of the proposed model for a particular Belgian academic programme show that increased social inclusion and higher performance parameters, such as growth in student enrolments and diplomas, can be reached simultaneously.  相似文献   
This study examined the psychometric properties of the German version of the Teacher Inclusive Education Self‐Efficacy Scale (TIESES). Five hundred and nineteen teacher education students from Austria and 765 teacher education students from Germany participated in the study. Results of a multiple‐group confirmatory factor analysis (for the two countries) confirmed a single factor structure of the scale with partial scalar measurement invariance. Regression analysis showed that self‐efficacy when implementing inclusive education was explained by the motivation to deal with inclusive education during their studies, previous experience with inclusive education in internships, study interest and the country in which the students went to university.  相似文献   
目前评价我国高校的竞争力的指标体系很多,体现在各大高校的排行榜评价中,但是还没有一套关于评价独立学院竞争力的评价指标体系。本文在参考国内比较权威的中国校友会网关于高校评价指标体系的基础之上,构建出一套关于独立学院的更能与当前竞争环境相适应的评价指标体系,并采用PCA法,以天津市10所独立学院进行了实证研究,得出当前天津市独立学院的竞争力现状,为研究独立学院竞争力提供参考和依据。  相似文献   
结构层淀积是MEMS加工过程中的重要工艺步骤,淀积薄膜的应力梯度是影响MEMS器件性能的一个重要的力学参数.文中介绍了几种常见的平均应力梯度在线测量方法,阐明了其测试结构及测量原理,并对这些测量方法进行了比较.  相似文献   
省际间义务教育的均衡发展是实现教育公平的关键,在基于生均经费指标的剖后发现我国省际间义务教育不均衡问题相当严重;通过建立多元回归模型的分析,笔者认为,省级政府的投入努力程度不高、"省级财政不中立"是省际间义务教育不均衡问题产生的重要原因;为促进省际间义务教育的均衡发展,中央应加大转移支付力度,制定制度激励省级政府投资义务教育的努力程度,出台科学、合理的公用经费充足性标准,重视公用经费的专项拨款。  相似文献   
应用分子拓扑指数来定量描述分子结构,采用遗传算法来选择与物性相关的分子连接性指数,通过多元线性回归分析建立分子拓扑结构与物性的关联方程,采用此方法,本研究了66种聚合物的玻璃化温度(Tg)与分子拓扑结构的关系,并对12种聚合物的玻璃化温度进行了推算,结果表明聚合物的玻璃化温度与分子连接性指数有较好的相关性。  相似文献   
The objectives of the study were to select suitable wavebands for rice leaf area index (LAI) estimation using the data acquired over a whole growing season, and to test the efficiency of the selected wavebands by comparing them with feature positions of rice canopy spectra. In this study, the field experiment in 2002 growing season was conducted at the experimental farm of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Measurements of hyperspectral reflectance (350-2500 nm) and corresponding LAI were made for a paddy rice canopy throughout the growing season. And three methods were employed to identify the optimal wavebands for paddy rice LAI estimation: correlation coefficient-based method, vegetation index-based method, and stepwise regression method. This research selected 15 wavebands in the region of 350-2500 nm, which appeared to be the optimal wavebands for the paddy rice LAI estimation. Of the selected wavebands, the most frequently occurring wavebands were centered around 554, 675, 723, and 1633 nm. They were followed by 444, 524, 576, 594, 804, 849, 974, 1074, 1219, 1510, and 2194 nm. Most of them made physical sense and had their counterparts in spectral known feature positions, which indicates the promising potential of the 15 selected wavebands for the retrieval of paddy rice LAI.  相似文献   
面对我国东部和中西部地区一直存在着的经济发展不平衡,如何实现各地区经济共同发展,是我国现代化建设中不可回避的一大课题。建国以来,以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代领导集体,对我国区域经济发展进行了初步探索和尝试,制定了加大对中西部地区投资,确立优先发展重工业和国防工业的发展战略。但在实践中,由于客观历史条件的制约,最终不幸陷入了区域经济平衡发展的漩涡。以邓小平同志为核心的第二代中央领导集体,在总结历史经验的基础上,提出区了域经济非平衡发展的战略思想,探索出一条"三步走"、"两个大局"、"先富带动共富"的新思路。以江泽民同志为核心的第三代中央领导集体,提出"三个代表"重要思想以及西部大开发战略,这必将把建设有中国特色社会主义全面推向前进。  相似文献   
综合实践活动是一门培养学生综合素质的跨学科实践性课程,综合实践基地作为开展学生校外综合实践活动的重要阵地,所开设的课程类型多样且具备多元价值。基于学生发展核心素养,综合实践基地课程价值可以归纳为以下六方面:一是积淀人文底蕴,提升审美情趣;二是强化理性思维,勇于质疑探究;三是培养信息意识,适应信息社会;四是塑造积极品质,掌握自护技能;五是担负社会责任,提高国家认同;六是树立创新意识,加强物化能力。  相似文献   
目的为了探讨智力落后学生身体机能(脉搏、血压、肺活量)的发育规律及水平。方法对北京市12所培智学校的全体在校学生(生病者除外)进行测查。结果如下(1)智力落后学生总的身体机能发育指标符合普通学生的发展趋势,身体的机能随年龄增长而逐渐增加,但肺通气机能增加不明显。(2)智力落后学生机能发育指标存在性别的特点,其中肺活量约从11岁半起男性明显高于女性,而肺活量指数约从13岁起男性明显高于女性,并维持下去。男性的收缩压从14岁起高于女性。舒张压及脉搏的性别特点则不明显。(3)智力落后学生身体机能改善不明显,尤其是女性各项机能指标在近20年来增长的速度变慢。(4)智力落后学生身体机能发育水平与普通学生的发育水平有差异,主要表现在反映呼吸机能的肺活量及肺活量指数均不如正常学生;另外智力落后学生的脉搏频率高于正常学生,也可在一定程度上反映心血管机能不如正常学生;智力落后女性的舒张压低于正常学生。  相似文献   
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